Example material for brushed copper, created procedurally in Maya, rendered in Mental Ray.

Example material for cherry wood, created procedurally in Maya, rendered in Mental Ray.

Reference image used to create the cheery wood material.

Procedurally created galvanized texture. Created in Autodesk Maya using nothing but built-in multiple layered procedural textures, rendered in Mental Ray.

Reference image used to create the galvanized material.

Procedurally created rust texture. Created in Autodesk Maya using nothing but built-in multiple layered procedural textures, rendered in Mental Ray.

For the following few examples, this is the base model with three-point lighting before any texturing. One reason why lighting and textures appeal to me is that they can make relatively simple objects look detailed and come to life.

An example of using procedural textures, and utility nodes in Maya to create a unique visual and tactile texture on the simple base object.

Using the same base object, and combining other procedural textures, and utility nodes in Maya to create another variation.

Again, using the same base object, multiple Maya procedural textures as well as various utility nodes were used to create a more subtle texture.